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Using SPI with Python

This guide will help you quickly get started using the Python spidev module to communicate with SPI devices on the Omega2.

Step 0: Prerequisites


If you haven't already, see the quickstart guide for more information on setting up your Omega2.

This guide assumes:

  1. The Omega2 is connected to the internet via WiFi or ethernet
  2. The Omega2 command line can be accessed

All commands listed in the guide should be run directly on the Omega2.


For a deeper dive into the Omega2's SPI functionality, see the SPI article in the Hardware Interfaces chapter.

Step 1: Install Python and the Spidev Module

To use SPI in Python, first install the necessary packages:

opkg update
opkg install python3-light python3-spidev

Step 2: Choose Between Hardware or Software SPI

The Omega2 supports both hardware SPI (using a built-in controller) and software SPI (bit-banging GPIOs). Before proceeding, choose the SPI bus that best suits your needs.

Comparison: Hardware SPI vs. Software SPI on the Omega2

FeatureHardware SPI (CS1)Software SPI
SpeedUp to 40MHz (fast)Up to 1.4MHz depending on CPU load - Slower, best for low-data applications
Full-Duplex Support❌ No✅ Yes
SPI ConfigurationLimited; CS0 is reserved for flashFlexible; can be configured as needed
GPIO FlexibilityFixed SPI pins (see next step)Choose from two predefined GPIO sets
System LoadLow (uses dedicated SPI controller)Higher (CPU handles SPI signals)

Option 1: Using the Hardware SPI Bus (CS1)

The hardware SPI bus is pre-configured on the Omega2 and is accessed through /dev/spidev0.1. It supports high-speed SPI communication but is limited to half-duplex mode and uses the fixed SPI pins:

  • GPIO6
  • SPI_CLK pin
  • SPI_MOSI pin
  • SPI_MISO pin

If this setup meets your needs, proceed to Step 3 to connect SPI devices. For most users, this is the quickest option.

Option 2: Enabling a Software SPI Bus

If you need full-duplex SPI, additional SPI buses, or different GPIO assignments, you can enable a software SPI bus by installing one of two available Software SPI Device Tree Overlay packages.

Enabling a Software SPI Bus

To enable a software SPI bus, install one of the following overlay packages:

For an SPI bus on GPIOs 14, 15, 16, and 17:

opkg update 
opkg install onion-dt-overlay-sw-spi

For an SPI bus on GPIOs 0, 1, 2, and 3:

opkg update
opkg install onion-dt-overlay-sw-spi-alt

After installation, the software SPI bus will be accessible at /dev/spidev1.0. Note this down for the next steps.


Each package predefines the GPIOs that function as SPI signals. For more details, see the Software SPI Bus article in the Device Tree Overlay chapter.

Next Step: Once you've chosen your SPI bus, proceed to Step 3.

Step 3: Physically Connect an SPI Device

Before we can send data, we need to connect an SPI device to the Omega2's SPI bus.

Pin Connections

If you decided to use hardware SPI in Step 2, connect the SPI pins of your external device to the Omega2 according to this table:

SPI SignalOmega2 Pin

If you decided to use software SPI in Step 2, connect the SPI pins of the external device according to the table below:

SPI SignalOmega2 Pin when using onion-dt-overlay-sw-spiOmega2 Pin when using onion-dt-overlay-sw-spi-alt

Additionally, make sure the SPI device is supplied with power according to its specifications.

Step 4: SPI Hello World - Write Bytes to the Bus

To confirm that the SPI bus is working, we'll run a Python program that writes 256 bytes of incremental data over SPI in eight cycles.

Download the Python Program

To do this, we will first download the example Python proscript from the OnionIoT/python-spidev GitHub repo:

cd /root

Software SPI: Change SPI bus in script

If you decided to use a software SPI bus in step 2, the script needs to be updated to use the correct device.

Use the vi editor to modify the change

spi = spidev.SpiDev(0,1)


spi = spidev.SpiDev(1,0)
Using the vi Editor

If you're not familiar, the vi text editor is included on the Omega by default. To make the change:

  1. Run vi /root/
  2. Enter insert mode by pressing i
  3. Make the changes
  4. Return to command mode by pressing esc once
  5. Save and close the file by typing :wq and pressing enter

Learn more about the small but powerful vi editor online.

Run the Program

Now, let’s run the script to send data over SPI:


This will send 256 bytes of incremental data (0x00, 0x01, 0x02, ...) over SPI, repeating 8 times. If you have a logic analyzer or oscilloscope connected, you should see activity:

logic analyzer showing 8 SPI transmissions Logic analyzer showing eight blocks of SPI writes

Zooming in, we can confirm the data being sent is incremental:

logic analyzer showing incremental data being transmitted

Step 5: Half-Duplex SPI Transmission

Next, let's run a Python script that performs a half-duplex SPI transaction—meaning it writes a byte and immediately reads a specified number of bytes in return. This is useful for reading registers on an SPI device.

Next, let's run a Python program that performs a half-duplex SPI transaction - meaning it writes a number of bytes and immediately reads a specified number of bytes on the SPI bus. This is useful for reading registers on an SPI device.

Download the Python Program

Download the example script from the OnionIoT/python-spidev GitHub repo:

cd /root

Inspect the Program

Before running it, let's take a look at the script using the built-in vi text editor:


We can see the program does the following:

  • Opens SPI device 1 on bus 0, meaning it uses the CS1 chip select line on the SPI hardware bus
  • Sets the SPI bus speed to 4MHz
  • Performs a half-duplex transaction:
    • Writes 1 byte: 0x42
    • Reads 2 bytes
  • Prints the two bytes that were read

This kind of transaction is useful when interacting with SPI devices that store data in registers. In this example, the script reads two bytes from the register at address 0x42.

To exit the vi editor without saving changes, type :q! and press Enter.

Software SPI: Change SPI bus in script

If you decided to use a software SPI bus in step 2, the script needs to be updated to use the correct device.

Use the vi editor to modify the change

spi = spidev.SpiDev(0,1)


spi = spidev.SpiDev(1,0)
Using the vi Editor

If you're not familiar, the vi text editor is included on the Omega by default. To make the change:

  1. Run vi /root/
  2. Enter insert mode by pressing i
  3. Make the changes
  4. Return to command mode by pressing esc once
  5. Save and close the file by typing :wq and pressing enter

Learn more about the small but powerful vi editor online.

Run the Program

How, execute the script:


Observe the Output

The program will display the received bytes on the terminal:

root@Omega-FB94:~# python
Half-duplex transmission: writing 1 byte, reading 2 bytes
Read: [4, 2]

This confirms that the SPI device is responding to commands and returning data.

Step 5: Off to the races!

You've seen how to:

  1. Install the Python spidev module
  2. Write data to the SPI bus.
  3. Perform a half-duplex SPI transaction to write then read data from an SPI device.

These examples provide a strong foundation for working with SPI devices on the Omega2. You're now ready to modify these scripts or write your own SPI-based programs!

See the README file in the OnionIoT/python-spidev GitHub repo for more information on the methods available in the spidev module.


If you're having issues, here are some things to check:

  • Python module not found?
    • Make sure python3-spidev is installed with opkg list-installed | grep spidev
  • SPI device not responding?
    • Double-check wiring with the pinout table
    • Verify that the SPI device is powered correctly.
    • Ensure the correct chip select (CS) pin is being used.
  • Unexpected data from the SPI device?
    • Try adjusting the SPI clock speed in the script.
    • Check if the SPI device requires specific initialization commands.